Davide RondoniDavide Rondoni, one of the most interesting voices in new Italian poetry, was born in Forlì in 1964. He received his degree in Italian literature from the University of Bologna, where he is the director of the Centre for Contemporary Poetry as well as editor of the literature magazine Il ClanDestino (The ClanDestine).
Rondoni has published several books including Il bar del tempo (The Bar of Time, 1999) and Non sei morto, amore (You Are Not Dead, Love, 2001). His volume of poetry Il bar del tempo has won several literary prizes. His most recent collection of poetry is Avrebbe amato chiunque (He Would Have Loved Anyone, 2003). Together with Franco Loi, he edited the anthology Il pensiero dominante: Antologia della Poesia italiana 1970-2000 (The Dominant Thought, Anthology of Italian Poetry 1970-2000). His work has appeared in various anthologies and magazines in Italy and abroad. In addition, he writes fiction and theatrical pieces and has translated Rimbaud, Baudelaire, Péguy, Gibran, T.S. Eliot and Dickinson. He has also edited an anthology of Giacomo Leopardi’s writings, as well as a poetic version of the Psalms. Rondoni organizes various literary events and television programs. His poems have been translated in Russia, the United States, England, and Spain.