Fr. Tullio ProserpioOrdained in 1996, Father Tullio Proserpio has served since 2003 as Chaplain at the National Cancer Institute in Milan, Italy, which is similar to our area’s MD Anderson and other Cancer Centers. He is currently doing research at the Methodist Research Institute on Hope in Cancer Patients, taking advantage of the diversity of cultures that the Texas Medical Center offers. His work and experience include spirituality, pastoral care, adolescent care, and the psychology of faith and science. He is author and co-author of scientific articles on these topics. His collaborates with physicians, nurses, social workers, psychologists, and other chaplains. He is member of the Consulta dell’Ufficio Nazionale per la Pastorale della Salute della Conferenza Episcopale Italiana—The National Office of Pastoral Care of the Italian Episcopal Conference. He is also member of the Ethics Committee of the National Cancer Institute in Milan and an expert in bioethics. He is also an architect.