LA PORTE, Barbara
Barbara La PorteBarbara La Porte has a master’s degree in theology from Seton Hall University. She is presently a member of the Board of Directors of the VTV Family Outreach Foundation, established by families and survivors directly impacted by the April 16, 2007 tragedy at Virginia Tech where her son Matthew was a victim. VTV advocates for campus safety and security by focusing on issues of mental health, bullying, privacy laws and information sharing and supporting programs to create positive change in behavior.
Prompted by the Holy Spirit, Barbara has embraced opportunities to share her journey of healing, comprehending and witnessing to others affected by a tragic loss, describing how her devotion to The Divine Mercy continues to transform her sorrow into joy. She has spoken to local groups and as far as California. She has written essays for the Marians in Stockbridge, Massachusetts and recently for Magnificat. She is presently discerning writing a memoir, a visible sign of God’s love and His presence alongside not only her and Matthew but also to extend His grace to others.
Barbara is most proud of her being called to be a Mother and to share in the mystery of creation. Besides the temporal bond she enjoys with her daughter, Priscilla, she also shares a spiritual bond with her son, Matthew, believing that through the mystery of love it is an eternal bond.