Ewa ChruscielEwa Chrusciel writes both in Polish and English. In 2003 Studium published her first book in Polish. Her second book in Polish: Sopilki was released in December, 2009. She won the 2009 Emergency Press International Book Contest for her book in English, Strata, which was published in March 2011 in the United States by Emergency Press.
Her poems have appeared in three anthologies and have also been featured in Boston Review, Colorado Review, Jubilat, Spoon River Review, Aufgabe, Omnidawn blog, Process, Lana Turner, Mandorla, Rhino, American Letters and Commentary, Poetry Wales (GB), Aesthetica (GB). Her translations of poetry have appeared in numerous journals and two translated anthologies of Polish poetry: Carnivorous Boy, Carnivorous Bird and Six Polish Poets. She is currently a Professor of Humanities at Colby-Sawyer College in New London, New Hampshire.