CARRERA, Alessandro
Alessandro CarreraAlessandro Carrera (Lodi, Italy, 1954) has a degree in Philosophy from the Università degli Studi in Milan, Italy. He has been living in North America since 1987, and has taught Italian and Comparative Literature, Philosophy, and Aesthetics in several U.S. and Canadian universities. He is now Director of Italian Studies and Graduate Director of World Cultures & Literatures at the University of Houston. He has published extensively on Italian Literature, continental philosophy, literary theory, and cultural studies. His most recent books are La consistenza della luce. Il pensiero della natura da Goethe a Calvino (Feltrinelli 2010), La distanza del cielo. Leopardi e lo spazio dell’ispirazione (Medusa 2011), La voce di Bob Dylan. Una spiegazione dell’America (2nd ed, Feltrinelli, 2011) and Il corpo tra volontà e rappresentazione. Schopenhauer Nietzsche Bloch (Greco&Greco 2015). Recently, he has edited Italian Critical Theory (“Annali d’Italianistica,” 29, 2011), Music and Society in Italy (“Forum Italicum,” 49, 2, 2015), and Massimo Cacciari’s Europe and Empire (Fordham University Press, forthcoming in January 2016). Carrera is the recipient of the Premio Montale for poetry (1993), the Premio Loria for short fiction (1998), and the Premio Bertolucci for literary criticism (2006). He has translated into Italian three novels of Graham Greene and the songs and prose of Bob Dylan.