An Education that Nurtures Freedom: What Is the Goal of Schooling?

A discussion
with Dr. Margarita MOONEY, Associate Professor of Congregational Studies at Princeton Theological Seminary, and Dr. Roosevelt MONTÁS, Senior Lecturer in American Studies and English, Columbia University
Presented by Crossroads Cultural Center
What should be our goal in educating human beings? We hear frequently about “preparation for the future,” and “college and career readiness.” But is there an overarching purpose that can offer unity to an educational endeavor, and guide our work as we develop curricula, practice pedagogy, and enter into the day to day life of learning and schooling? In order to consider these questions, we have to know what kind of things human beings are. We invite Roosevelt Montás, Columbia University, and Margarita Mooney, Princeton Theological Seminary, to share their thoughts regarding what education looks like when conceived of as the context in which the freedom of a human being is drawn out, nurtured and allowed to develop and flourish.The event is open to the public and free of charge.
About this Event
Date: Friday, December 6, 2019Time: 7pm
Location: Crossroads Auditorium
125 Maiden Lane, 15th Floor, NY, NY
(ID required to enter the building)
About the Speakers

Associate Professor of Congregational Studies at Princeton Theological Seminary

Senior Lecturer in American Studies and English, Columbia University
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