A Glimpse into the Unknown: The Wonder that Inspires Scientific Discovery

Face to face with Dr. Lucio ROSSI
Presented by Crossroads Cultural Center in collaboration with the University of Houston Texas Center for Superconductivity
Lucio Rossi, a leading scientist from the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), participated in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) project, leading to the recent discovery of the Higgs boson. This astounding discovery unveiled a fundamental piece of the standard model of particle physics, which provides a theoretical framework that describes with great accuracy the fundamental particles of which we are made.
In this event, Lucio Rossi will share his experience facing one of the most fascinating topics that has always captivated humankind’s attention: the origin of the universe. Dr. Massimo Robberto, a leading scientist from the Science Telescope Institute, will interview Dr. Rossi.
Refreshments will be provided after the event.
The event is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.
About this Event
Date: Tuesday, March 31, 2015Time: 6:30pm
Location: University of Houston
Science Center - Bldg. 593, HSC 102
3201 Cullen Boulevard, Houston 77204
Parking available in Stadium Parking Garage on Holman Street
About the Speakers

High Luminosity LHC Project Leader, CERN
Geneva, Switzerland

Scientist at the Space Telescope Institute
Baltimore, MD
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