Face to Face with Chuck Rossi

What is happening in the tech world? What is the next big thing? How will it affect us?
A dialogue with Silicon Valley “veteran” Chuck ROSSI, Facebook’s Release Engineering Team Leader, led by Lindsay BLAKELY, Senior Editor at Inc.
Presented by Crossroads Cultural Center
As we all know, technology is playing an ever increasing role both in our personal lives and in the way we communicate. As a result, companies that produce information technology have become major actors, not only at the economic level but also at the cultural, and even political, levels. However, for many of us "Silicon Valley" remains an unfamiliar, foreign world. We somehow feel that only certain "special" types of people work there, but we often do not have a clear sense of what they do, of what motivates them, of what particular "culture" they share (if any), of what they are trying to achieve, of how they are going to impact our lives. The goal of this event is to bring the hi-tech industry back to reality, so to speak, by encountering two experienced professionals who work in it (or write about it) for a living. We will ask them to share their experiences with us and also help us understand what we should expect out of Silicon Valley in the near future, and how it may affect us and the way we relate to each other. The event is open to the public and free of charge.About this Event
Date: Wednesday, June 25, 2014Time: 7pm
Location: Crossroads Auditorium
125 Maiden Lane, 15th Floor, NY, NY
(ID required to enter the building)
About the Speakers

Facebook’s Release Engineering Team Leader

Senior Editor at Inc.
Download the invitation.Related Articles
"The Only Earthling with a Facebook Dislike Button" "Exclusive: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Facebook Release Engineering"Video
Watch part of the interview and Q&APhotos - click on image below

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