OUR GOD'S BROTHER by Karol Wojtyla

A special performance to celebrate the canonization of Blessed John Paul II
Directed by Peter Dobbins and produced by The Storm Theatre and Blackfriars Repertory Theatre
In anticipation of the canonization of Blessed John Paul II on April 27th, The Storm Theatre will present Our God’s Brother, written by the late Pontiff, while he was known as Karol Wojtyła.
Karol Wojtyła (Pope John Paul II), spent much of his young adult life in pursuit of a career in the theatre before responding to the call to priesthood. His work grew out of his experiences with Mieczysław Kotlarczk and the Rhapsodic Theatre, a group that began performing in secret during the Nazi occupation of Poland. Our God's Brother, Wojtyla’s most personal work, tells the story of freedom fighter-turned artist Adam Chmielowski (better known as Brother Albert) who later takes religious vows and becomes a great protector of the poor. Adam’s dilemma in choosing between an artistic vocation and the religious path strongly mirrors the future Pope’s own vocational struggles, and highlights the courageous virtue he exemplified in serving as witness to Christ. The Storm Theatre’s entire 2012 season was chosen by The New York Times as one of “the years most galvanizing moments” in theatre. Established in 1997, Storm is a not-for-profit company that utilizes classics, under-acknowledged gems from the world repertory, and vigorous new visions of life today. Our God’s Brother will play APRIL 4 – MAY 3, 2014 at The Storm Theatre (At the Church of Notre Dame, on Morningside Drive between 114th and 115th street (1 block from Columbia University) with performances Thursday through Saturday at 7:30 PM and Saturday Matinees at 2:00 PM. There will be an additional performance Monday 4/7 at 7:30 PM. Tickets only available through SmartTix at or (212) 868-4444. (or at the door) For more information, visit this Event
Date: Friday, April 25, 2014Time: 7:30pm
Location: The Storm Theatre at the Church of Notre Dame
405 West 114th Street
New York, NY 10025
(entrance on Morningside Drive between 114th and 115th St.)
Take the #1 train to 116 St.,
then walk 2 blocks south and 2 blocks east
and receive a $5.00 DISCOUNT when you use special code CROS20
About the Director

Peter Dobbins
Artistic Director of The Storm Theater
Storm Theatre Website
www.stormtheatre.comArticle of Interest
Read Msgr. Lorenzo Albacete's comments on Our God's Brother
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