Chesterton and Eliot: Prophets for Our Times

An evening of conversation, poetry and choral music
A presentation by Fr. Ian BOYD, President of The G. K. Chesterton Institute for Faith & Culture, Dermot QUINN, Professor of History, Seton Hall University, Peter DOBBINS, Co-founder and Director of the Storm Theater, and THE COMMUNION AND LIBERATION CHOIR directed by Christopher VATH
Presented by Crossroads Cultural Center, Club RADIUS of Fordham, and Campus Ministry FCLC
At first sight, G.K. Chesterton and T.S. Eliot seem to represent two polar opposites, regarding both their personalities and their literary work. This is probably why their names seldom come up together in discussions of cultural history. However, at a closer inspection one cannot fail to notice that what they had in common was almost as significant as the things that made them so different. Both were converts, both became major figures in British literature, and above all both were deeply concerned with the relationship between faith and culture, and with the place of Christians in a secular society. It is on this ground that a dialogue between them seems very interesting and even necessary. In particular, both Chesterton and Eliot had a deep sense of how Christian tradition is a living process, not a dead doctrine but the collective memory of a living organism that traverses the vicissitudes of history "forever building, and always decaying, and always being restored." This verse comes from Eliot's "Choruses from 'The Rock'," the dramatic reading of which will take place at this conference and which is a fitting preparation for Christmas. But first, there will be a conversation between Fr. Ian Boyd and Prof. Dermott Quinn, who are both outstanding scholars of both English literature and will guide us in understanding the relationship between these two great authors.
The event is open to the public and free of charge.
About this Event
Date: Thursday, December 16, 2010Time: 7pm
Location: Fordham University, Pope Auditorium
113 West 60th Street at Columbus Ave.
New York, NY map
About the Speakers

President, The Chesterton Institute for Faith & Culture

Professor of History, Seton Hall University

Co-founder and Director of the Storm Theater
Download the invitation hereTranscript
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