
Health Care Reform: What is it all about?

A view from the front lines: Health practitioners, insurers, employers

A presentation by Dr. Alan ASTROW, Director of Medical Oncology, Maimonides Cancer Center, Reginald BULLOCK Jr., Esq., Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Nassau Health Care Corporation, and Stephen LYNCH, Former President of Health Plans for Health Net, Inc.

Presented by Crossroads Cultural Center and Columbia Catholic Ministry, in collaboration with the MED CONFERENCE

Our distinguished panel of speakers will help us to understand better what practical consequences we should expect from the new health care law and its implementation.

To a large extent, the debate on health care reform has been shaped by "experts," both from the academic world and from various think-tanks and professional associations. The idea behind this discussion is to ask a group of experienced professionals whose work is related to health care how the new law will concretely impact their work, and the health care system as they know it in their field of action. As a general rule, experience is the best immunization against the temptations of ideology. In the case of health care reform these temptations include both the utopian conviction that this huge social problem can basically be solved by technocratic means (i.e. government action) and the opposite prejudice, namely that nothing good can come from governmental intervention in the health care system as prescribed by the reform. Rather than joining this stale ideological struggle, we want to listen to those who will deal every day with the effects of the reform, as the best to way to learn what we should realistically expect.

The event is open to the public and free of charge.

About this Event

Date: Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Time: 7 pm
Location: Columbia University
Philosophy Hall, Room 301
1150 Amsterdam Avenue at 116th Street
New York, NY 10027

About the Speakers

Dr. Alan Astrow
Director, Medical Oncology, Maimonides Cancer Center
Reginal Bullock Jr., Esq.
Senior VP and General Counsel, Nassau Health Care Corp.
Stephen Lynch
Former President of Health Plans for Health Net, Inc.


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