Paper Clippings The Blog of The Crossroads Cultural Center

Paper Clippings, more than a classical blog, is a service providing valuable reading material in order to help readers reach a judgment about current affairs. Comments and discussion are more than welcome.

Entries from September 1, 2007 - September 30, 2007


The greatest disorder

Christianity in North Korea exemplifies the fact that the root of freedom lies in the relationship with God.



In spite of some interesting insights, the idea of moral psycology is somewhat comical. The bottom line is that you cannot understand anything about human beings if you leave out (or reduce) their two most obvious (an mysterious) features: reason and freedom. The last sentence is downright funny, because the guy is clearly being very bold:

“It is at least possible,” he said, “that conservatives and traditional societies have some moral or sociological insights that secular liberals do not understand.”

For that matter, it is also at least possible that secular liberals do not understand much about anything. After all, what they think they understand is just what is written in their genes.


The meaning of life

This essay raises a valid question (why our educational system systematically censors the great questions about life?) but offers inadequate answers (the great books? the university as an alternative to religion?). The problem is NOT one of religious indoctrination, but one of method. How can one face these questions reasonably? The absence of "meaning" from education is just a reflection of the reduction of reason that the Pope denounced in his Regensburg address. Reason coincides with the methods of empirical science, and empirical science knows no meaning, so what's there to teach? In particular, the humanities must by logical necessity become the domain of pure relativism and unbridled instinctivity.


Failure of desire

A genuinely American ideology. In this case, the starting prejudice is an inadequate definition of "success." What if one achieves all his goals and then is still unhappy?


Public stupidity

Der Spiegel should ask the question: where are today's people taught how to judge? By whom?


A story of two newspapers

There is a striking difference between a newspaper offering balanced political judgements and a bunch of politicians using a newspaper. Of course, the first course is smarter because it gives you authority (which the Post has been steadily gaining) while the second course is self-destructive (who cares to read the New York Times editorial page any more?)


Unexplicable hatred

T. Dalrymple proves once again to be an unusually intellectually honest writer.


Read Dostoevski

Slate has noticed the obvious: that Islamism is a self-standing totalitarian ideology (in the mold of the European ideologies that started after the time of the French revolution) and not something related to specific political issues in the Middle East.

Radical Islamism seems to have become the magnet for some of the world's angriest people who feel the universe is out of joint and must be changed. For these converts, it is an ideology of revolt that is more attractive because of its crystalline hatred of the status quo than its theology.



It is true that the Duke University rape case says something about the current cultural elites. In particular, about their costant desire and fantasy of being part of the civil right battles of the previous generation. This is probably for many people a way to escape from the grim reality of being philosophical nihilists, by creating an imaginary moral high-ground for themselves. Clearly, such a position is so detached from reality that it can easily become extremely violent.


Return to Paradise

Dante's Paradiso, the last book of the Divine Comedy, expresses the sublime heights of human desire like no other poem. What a shame so few read it. A new translation may help change that.